How have people mispronounced your name? How is it supposed to sound?
Submitted by Lorie.
My name is sort of like it looks: jess - uh - min. People who don't know me and haven't seen or heard the name before seem to have a hard time with it. Either they say Jasmine, which makes sense, or they say Jezz-uh-min or Jess-uh-mine. The thing I always find weird is that when I say it out loud to them, like over the phone, often they'll pronounce it back wrong. So I'll say jess-uh-min and they'll say "Jasmine?" like maybe I'm pronouncing my own name wrong.
People called me Jess until college, but I never liked "Jess West" much. Then I had a college boyfriend who called me Jessamyn in that college-y way and it sort of stuck. I answer to both. The only name I really dislike is Jesse because I had an evil English teacher who would call me that to get my goat, I have no idea why.
Jessamyn Charity West, it's not a bad name really.
Hey, I pronounced your name right before I read this post!
Posted by: Georgia Lynn | 04/08/2007 at 08:47 PM