I liked playing with Vox but now I am done. I have a blog of my own over at http://jessamyn.com/journal (rss, atom) and I encourage you to read it if this is the sort of thing that interests you. I have photos at Flickr, a professional blog of sorts and I'm even sometimes on Facebook. I'll still be reading here, I just won't be writing here.
I don't ever want to have to unclick a box that says "This may be offensive or otherwise not for the public." again. I do not want to read the Welcome to Vox Design thread anymore. I want to size my pictures more than four different ways. I do not want to see a lock next to a "viewable by anyone" indicator. I want to copy and paste without copying line height and font faces and hyperlinks. I want to see a cursor. I want styles of my own devising. I would like more friends and neighbors, and fewer "friends" and "neighbors." Those of you who are both know where to find me, and I know where to find you.
More to the point, it's Spring and I want to type less and walk by the river more. This is part of that. Thanks for your kind attentions. Come visit if you're ever in Vermont.
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